Your Advocate For Sexual Harassment And Hostile Work Environment Disputes
Sexual harassment is outrageous conduct that cannot be tolerated in any place of business. Harassment can make it difficult, if not impossible, for a person to perform his or her duties effectively. If you are experiencing harassment at work, you may be wary of reporting this conduct to your supervisor. It is also unfortunately common for employees to experience retaliation, such as the loss of a job, for reporting harassment. At Fagan McManus, P.C., our Detroit sexual harassment attorneys can help you fight back against a hostile work environment.
Working To Maximize Your Compensation
If you believe you are being sexually harassed in your workplace, our Royal Oak employment law attorneys can help you enforce your rights. We will fight for all damages that apply to your situation, including:
- Lost earnings and back pay
- Damages for emotional distress
- Pain and suffering, mental anguish
- Punitive damages
- Attorneys’ fees
When it comes to fighting against harassment, our legal team will leave no stone unturned in an effort to maximize your compensation. You may be curious to know what sexual harassment is. It can involve either quid pro quo or a hostile work environment. We can explain more about what these forms of harassment look like.
Experience You Can Rely On
At our Royal Oak office, we provide over 45 years of combined legal experience to your case. Attorney Barry Fagan has been selected for inclusion in Michigan Super Lawyers list, and both Barry Fagan and Jennifer McManus have been selected for inclusion in the “Best Lawyers in America” in the field of labor and employment law. Also, employment law attorney Jennifer Lossia McManus has extensive experience serving as a law clerk within the federal court.
Call For A Free Consultation With A Michigan Hostile Work Environment Attorney
If you have experienced harassment at work or have had a loss of job for reporting harassment, we may be able to help. Contact our Detroit sexual harassment lawyers online, or call 248-658-8951 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your situation.